Afsløret: Februar 2005
Placering: Passagen mellem Østervold og P-huset
Materiale: Granit
Højde: Ca. 2 m
Skænket af: Nykredits fond, BG Bank og Østervold 43, Randers Aps
John Bredahl er kunstneren bag de 70 hesteskulpturer, der i 2002 blev dekoreret og malet af lokale entusiaster. Skulpturen af en hestepranger med cowboyhat og fremskudt bryst referer både til denne begivenhed og til hestemarkedet i Randers.
John Bredahl is the artist behind the 70 horse sculptures that were decorated and painted by local enthusiasts in 2002. The sculpture of a horse dealer wearing a cowboy hat and with puffed-out chest, refers both to this event as well as to the horse market in Randers.