Afsløret: 1985
Placering: Paderup Gymnasium
Materiale: Rustfrit stål og CTP-stål
Højde: Ca. 2 m
Skænket af: Århus Amts Kunstfond
Skulpturen er lavet til Paderup Gymnasium med inspiration i områdets natur og i gymnasiets bygninger. Skulpturens nederste, rustne del står solidt plantet på jorden, mens den øverste del i rustfrit stål nærmest svæver i luften og reflekterer solens stråler. Skulpturens former griber ind i hinanden og i rummet omkring den.
The sculpture was made for Paderup High school, inspired by the nature of the area, as well as the buildings of the high school. The rusty bottom of the sculpture is solidly planted in the ground, while the stainless steel upper part is almost floating in the air, reflecting sunbeams. The shapes of the sculpture connect with each other and with the surrounding space.